Elizabeth Wessling, FCP![]() The world of NFP (Natural Family Planning) has many different options to choose from. How does one choose one method over the other? The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is easy, inexpensive and does not take a lot of time. But that is not why I want you to choose this system. Today I am sharing with you the top 5 reasons why you should choose the Creighton Model. No fancy equipment needed. With the Creighton model the only tool you need are your own two hands. Some methods require the use of thermometers, ovulation kits or test strips. The Creighton model uses mucus, specifically cervical mucus, as the main biomarker of fertility. Using this biomarker alone has proven to be one of the most accurate ways of observing fertility. So, if you can test how much mucus stretches between your two fingers you can use the Creighton Model. It is a shared system. Both partners must fully learn how the system works so they can both be active participants in their fertility. The Creighton model has a saying… The woman observes, the couple uses. Yes, it is true, only the woman can make the observations, but the partner can help in other ways. Some men take the role of recording observations and making sure the chart is always up to date. In this way the responsibility of tracking fertility is shared but it does not stop there. The fertility of the day should be discussed as well as the intention of use (to avoid or achieve pregnancy). Together they put that intention into practice. Speaking of putting intentions into practice… SPICE
If there is an intention to avoid pregnancy, then all genital contact on days of fertility is avoided. So, what does a couple do to connect on these days? It would not be healthy to just avoid each other all together. There are more ways to interact with our spouses that can lead to a deeper intimacy that does not include genital contact. Practicing chastity in marriage can be difficult but it can also be rewarding. That is where SPICE comes it. SPICE stands for the Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative and Emotion aspects of communication and sexuality. Attention to all aspects of our sexuality leads to valuing our spouses as a whole person whether we are avoiding or achieving a pregnancy. The CrMS values this and gives young women and couples the tools they need to foster the development of SPICE in their lives. The result is successful implementation of the system and a more personal level of communication between spouses. It works for any reproductive category. The Creighton Model has successful instruction for so many different reproductive categories. Whether you are breastfeeding, post-pill, pregnant, or pre-menopausal the Creighton Model can be used. You might ask, “What if my cycles are not always regular?”. To that we say, “No problem!”. Women who have long, short, or regular cycles can all use the CrMS successfully. It’s that good! NAPROTECHNOLOGY NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system. Specially trained medical providers like physician’s, nurse practitioners and physician assistants offer NaProTECHNOLOGY all over the United States. They have helped women who have Infertility, painful menstrual cramps, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), ovarian cysts, irregular or abnormal bleeding, Polycystic ovarian disease, repetitive miscarriage, Postpartum Depression, hormonal abnormalities, chronic discharges and more. NaProTECHNOLOGY aims at treating the underlying cause of these problems without the use of hormonal contraceptives that only mask the symptoms. Using the charted cycles NaProTECHNOLOGY providers can precisely time testing, make diagnoses and order specialized treatments. No other NFP method can do that! If you want to know more visit www.naprotechnology.com. Can you see how this truly is a whole SYSTEM? I hope this article has shed some light on what the Creighton Model Fertility Care System can do for you. It has transformed the lives of so many people and I know it can do that for you too. If you are intrigued but still have some questions Ashwood FertilityCare has a sign up for free 15-minute Clarity Calls available on our website at www.ashwoodfertilitycare.com .
September 2021